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Version: 0.1

General outlook

Module is the most important element of MAGDA. As mentioned in overview, this library is based on graphs so think of modules as nodes. These nodes should execute a single function. They are connected to other nodes by defining input modules, nodes that the current one depends on, and output modules, nodes that the current one sends its results to.

Module types#

There are two types of modules.

  • ModuleRuntime,
  • ModuleAggregate.

ModuleRuntime is designed to execute one function and pass it's results further.

ModuleAggregate's purpose is to collect results generated from previous ModuleRuntime. Without it there would be no way of storing data between each graph traversal.

Module definition#

For a class to become a Module of a certain type it's as simple as inheriting from either ModuleRuntime or ModuleAggregate.

class ModuleThatIsRuntime(Module.Runtime):    pass
class ModuleThatIsAggregator(Module.Aggregate):    pass

For convenience purposes the base class Module has hooks to few classes inside it.

  • ModuleRuntime can be accessed through Module.Runtime,
  • ModuleAggregate through Module.Aggregate,
  • ModuleInterface through Module.Interface.

It's possible to also access result objects via:

  • Module.Result - result object from a single Module
  • Module.ResultSet - container for all Module.Results


A Module has three ways of accessing data:

  • Context
    designed to allow access to more complex structures and to hold references that you might want to initialize only once and use throughout a pipeline lifecycle, such as a DB connection,

  • Shared parameters
    a dictionary that should contain common, shared data that is available and the same in every module,

  • Module parameters
    a dictionary as well but every Module will have its own set of params available only to it.

from magda.pipeline import SequentialPipelinefrom magda.module import Modulefrom magda.decorators import finalize
@finalizeclass ModuleExample(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, data, request, *args, **kwargs):        print(self.context) # {'DB': 'DB Connection'}        print(self.parameters) # {'module_param': 'module_param_value'}        print(self.shared_parameters) # {'shared_param': 'shared_param_value'}        print(data) # <magda.module.results.ResultSet>        print(request) # request variable        return None
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(ModuleExample('module_example').set_parameters({'module_param': 'module_param_value'}))runtime ={'DB': 'DB Connection'}, {'shared_param': 'shared_param_value'})'request variable')

Context, shared parameters and module parameters are accessible in every Module through self.context, self.shared_parameters and self.parameters respectively. They are all set during pipeline (so consequently during module) build.

Also, a Module has access to data from the previous module's output as well as request data through *args and **kwargs. Here data, and request has been incorporated into method definition through unpacking operators. These two parameters are always passed, that's why they can be written this way.


There is a return None at the end of a run method. It's necessary to always return something from the method, even if it's None.

Two states of a Module#

Like pipelines, Module can be in one of two states. It can either be in a builder state, or in an execution state. The first one allows do define how a Module should behave, add parameters, define decorators. The latter one is accessed by calling the build method which results in an executable module. The result of building a Module is one of two objects Module.Runtime or Module.Aggregate, depending from which one the class inherited.

Module bootstrapping#

Modules has a special function bootstrap that acts just as a regular booting function. It cannot be invoked manually but is run at the very start after a module is built and is run only once per module. It's especially useful when initializing data or loading something from disk which is essential for the Module to work properly, such as stored Neural Network weights.

12345module classdefinitionsetting params anddependenciesbuildingmodulebuildingpipelinebootstrapmoduleruntime67teardown
@expose()@finalizeclass ModuleBootstrapedValues(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return self.initial_value * 10
    def bootstrap(self):        self.initial_value = 1
@expose()@accept(ModuleBootstrapedValues)@finalizeclass ModuleBootstrapedWeights(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return self.weights
    def bootstrap(self):        self.weights = self.parameters['nn_weights']        # some logic to load actual network
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(ModuleBootstrapedValues('module values'))builder.add_module(    ModuleBootstrapedWeights('module weights')    .depends_on(builder.get_module('module values'))    .set_parameters({'nn_weights': [2, 5, 8]}))runtime = # {'module values': 10, 'module weights': [2, 5, 8]}

The first one, ModuleBootstrapedValues, has an additional self.initial_value set during bootstrapping, which is later used to calculate an output. The second Module, ModuleBootstrapedWeights, makes use of a parameter passed to it during building phase. Here it's just used to initialize fake self.weights but could normally be used to read or initialize proper NN weights.

Module teardown#

Next to bootstrap function, a module may also have implemented teardown function. It is run for each module when Pipeline.close method is called and is intended to handle some logic in the end of module's lifecycle. An exemplary usecase is closing a connection to database.

@expose()@finalizeclass ModuleTeardown(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return self.initial_value * 10
    def teardown(self):        # i.e. close here a DB connection


Multiple decorators were designed to allow for quick definition of most important Module behaviors.

  • @finalize
  • @accept
  • @produce
  • @expose
  • @register

Generally speaking, the order of decorators doesn't matter, but there is an exception, @finalize decorator is a special case.


This is the most important decorator. It's job is to take a class, which inherits from Module.Runtime or Module.Aggregate and convert it to a builder state, which can be further customized.

The code must comply with the following rules:

  • @finalize does not take any explicit parameters and is invoked without parentheses (), since it works on and references a class directly,
  • when defining multiple decorators, @finalize must always be the last one, when multiple decorators are defined above a class, order of other ones does not matter,
  • @finalize is always required, the other ones are not.

@accept and @produce#

The role of @accept is to define the allowed input type for a given Module. Similarly, @produce specifies the resulting output type of a class. But while @accept can allow an input to be of type Module or Module.Interface, @produce can create results of type Module.Interface.

The main idea behind @produce and @accept is to allow for a common data interfaces.

The @produce signature is as follows:

@produce(interface_class: Module.Interface)

and @accept signature:

@accept(*ancestors: Iterable[Module], self=False)

A Module can have multiple different ancestors. Also, the same type of Module can be chained multiple times and for this the optional parameter self=True ought to be used. For more on @accept and @produce parameters please refer to Module workflow and to Interfaces.


If it's necessary to keep a given Module's output to be accessed at the end of a pipeline @expose decorator should be used. Exposing a Module is a way of keeping it's output in a ResultSet under a given name. This can be especially useful for logging purposes or exporting data after each run from a certain point of interest in a graph.

The names must be unique throught the pipeline, and if the name parameter is not set the name given during the Module initialization will is used instead.

Remember that even though there is no other module after the last one, in order for its result to show up after the pipeline the Module has to be exposed.

@expose('important_module')@finalizeclass ExposedModuleNamed(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'ExposedModuleNamed output'
@expose()@accept(ExposedModuleNamed)@finalizeclass ExposedModule(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'ExposedModule output'
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(ExposedModuleNamed('module_named'))builder.add_module(ExposedModule('module_unnamed').depends_on(builder.get_module('module_named')))runtime =  # {'important_module': 'ExposedModuleNamed output', 'module_unnamed': 'ExposedModule output'}

Both Module's outputs will be available after the completed graph traversal, but ExposedModuleNamed output will be accessible under the name important_module, while ExposedModule output will be available under module_unnamed.


The @register decorator's job is to create a mapping between a given name (a string) and a class which can be then used by ModuleFactory. Decorator @register is directly connected to ModuleFactory, which is used when building a pipeline via config files.

@register('decorator-register')@finalizeclass ModuleRegisterDecorator(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'some value'
@finalizeclass ModuleRegisterManual(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'some more values'
ModuleFactory.register('manual-register', ModuleRegisterManual)
print(ModuleFactory.get('manual-register'))  # <class ModuleRegisterManual.Builder>print(ModuleFactory.get('decorator-register'))  # <class ModuleRegisterDecorator.Builder>
print(ModuleFactory.get('manual-register'))  # <class ModuleRegisterManual.Builder>print(ModuleFactory.get('decorator-register'))  # KeyError: 'decorator-register'

As shown, when unregistering a Module other references are still present but when accessing decorator-register class it's no longer available and throws an error. Althought not mandatory, the use of kebab-case for Module registering is recommended.

Modules in config#

Even though, in yaml files it's not feasible to create a Module, it's possible to specify a wanted module, via the type parameter. In order to use a class as a type it needs to be registered with a ModuleFactory.

ModuleFactory provides two methods - register and unregister. The first one can be called via both @register decorator or coded manually, the latter one only via code. The registered name points to an earlier predefined Module.

This type will be then looked for in ModuleFactory and a class corresponding to the name will be dynamically built. It's vital to pass a ModuleFactory class to a method for it to work properly.

For more information on how to work with config files please refer to the configuration file documentation page.

Pro Tip

If using a decorator approach it's enough to import all classes annotated with @register. The method will be run while importing. If using the manual approach it's necessary to register each Module individually with ModuleFactory, as shown above.