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Version: 0.1

Sequential Pipeline

The first type of a pipeline is a Sequential Pipeline. The other, more complex one is a Parallel Pipeline, which is in fact just multiple sequential pipelines running in parallel.


A Pipeline is composed of a set of Modules. It's a manager for creating and controlling the flow throughout DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph).

Like Modules, a Pipeline can be in one of two distinct states:

  • Builder
    is responsible for constructing a graph of modules and then sorting it,

  • Execution
    is tasked with the execution of proper modules via run or process methods, which are described in detail here.

Additionally, a pipeline may be also closed by running close function on the runtime object. Closing a module results in calling teardown method for each module. A closed pipeline cannot be rerun.

Directed Acyclic Graph#

When invoking a Graph, consisting of all modules previously added to a sequential pipeline, is built. Before a Module is run all of it's dependencies have to be completed. In order for the Module to be run as soon as possible all Modules are sorted.

MAGDA Graph employs topological sorting. It's a graph ordering algorithm which is viable only when the graph is directed and doesn't have any cycles.

Disallowed circular dependencies#


Topological sorting orders the modules resulting in the sequence where every module follows its dependent modules. The algorithm prioritizes the execution of Modules that either have no dependencies or are essential for the next Module to be run as soon as possible.

MAGDA works on basis of a single connected graph, so bear in mind that the pipeline cannot consist of multiple disjoint subgraphs. All the modules need to be connected.

Disallowed disjoint graphs definition#


During the pipeline building both disjoint graphs and circular dependencies are checked for, which result in appropriate errors if found.

Sequential Pipeline flow#

Once the pipeline is built and modules are in the correct order, it can be run. As the name of the pipeline suggests, the modules are called in a sequence.

Given the example below, MAGDA guarantees that module A will be run first after which either B or C is run and then module D as the last one. Both A -> B -> C -> D and A -> C -> B -> D are possible run sequences. In this case, it doesn't really matter whether module B or C runs first. What's important, modules B and C won't run in parallel here (though it could be achieved with the usage of a Parallel Pipeline)


Technical details#

The schematic creation of a sequential pipeline is as follows:

from magda.pipeline import SequentialPipeline
# Building a pipelinebuilder = SequentialPipeline().add_module(...)runtime =
# Running the

Simple case study#

Here is presented a very simple example of a pipeline usage. For more complex examples see the next section.

Creating a pipeline instance#

In order for the pipeline to be built and run, it must consist of modules. Having implemented Module classes, the modules need to be added to the pipeline instance. This can be achieved with the use of a configuration file or manually from code. For in-depth workflow please refer to workflow.

from magda.pipeline import SequentialPipeline
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(SomeModule('module_a'))builder.add_module(SomeOtherModule('module_b').depends_on(builder.get_module('module_a')))
runtime =

To avoid using the builder.get_module method, the module can be instantiated outside of the pipeline. This way adding modules, through object references, gets more transparent. The following snippet does exactly the same as the one above.

from magda.pipeline import SequentialPipeline
module_a = SomeModule('module_a')module_b = SomeOtherModule('module_b')
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(module_a)builder.add_module(module_b.depends_on(module_b))
runtime =

Running the pipeline#

The Pipeline can work in one of two modes: run or process, which are described in detail here. In brief, the run mode sequentially calls the run method in every Module.Runtime from the Graph (which precedes an aggregation module) and the aggregate method from the Module.Aggregate. All Module.Runtime following Module.Aggregate are ommited.

During the process mode firstly process methods from the aggregation modules are called, which return stored data. Then the run method from every runtime module (that succeeds the aggregation module) is invoked. All Module.Runtime preceding Module.Aggregate are ommited.


Every invocation of the pipeline.process method clears aggregation modules inner state.  # during both `run` and `process` modes requests can be passed to the     # aggregation module inner state contains 2     # aggregation module inner state contains only 1 element


In the following section, instead of very specific implementations, general blueprints for creating a SequentialPipeline are shown. These are working examples with abstracted naming and logic, which can be easily expanded on with concrete details. The examples will be also briefly commented on how they work and what should be an expected outcome of each one.

A stateless pipeline based only on Module.Runtime#

Consider the following pipeline:


The code is divided into six distinct sections.

1) Class definitions
This is where all classes are defined. Notice that, since the classes are added manually to the pipeline, neither the @register decorator nor ModuleFactory was used.

See code snippet
from magda.module import Modulefrom magda.decorators import accept, finalize, exposefrom magda.pipeline import SequentialPipeline
@finalizeclass ModuleA(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module a output'
@finalizeclass ModuleB(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module b output'
@accept(ModuleA, ModuleB)@finalizeclass ModuleC(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module c output'
@accept(ModuleC)@expose()@finalizeclass ModuleD(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return self.parameters['important_parameter']
@accept(ModuleC)@finalizeclass ModuleE(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module e output'
@accept(ModuleC, ModuleE)@expose('module_f_expose_name')@finalizeclass ModuleF(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module f output'

2) Module initialization
Here every module is initialized and a name is set through the constructor. This name is used for @exposed classes that don't have an explicit expose name.

See code snippet
module_a = ModuleA('module_a')module_b = ModuleB('module_b')module_c = ModuleC('module_c')module_d = ModuleD('module_d')module_e = ModuleE('module_e')module_f = ModuleF('module_f')

3) Dependency and parameters definition
Here all dependencies and additional module parameters should be configured. Thanks to module initialization in the 2nd step, now it is possible to directly reference modules inside the depends_on function.

See code snippet
module_d.set_parameters({'important_parameter': 'ModuleD important output'})

4) Adding modules to a pipeline
Here every initiated module is added to the pipeline. If the class didn't inherit from either Module.Runtime or Module.Aggregate an error is raised.

See code snippet
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(module_a)builder.add_module(module_b)builder.add_module(module_c)builder.add_module(module_d)builder.add_module(module_e)builder.add_module(module_f)

5) Pipeline build
During pipeline build, firstly, a Graph is built and validated for cycles and disjoint graphs. If the validation passes then all previously added modules are bootstrapped. If there is any context or shared_parameters available they can be added as optional pipeline build parameters.

runtime =

6) Pipeline running
When a pipeline is built it is ready to be run. As stated before, there are two ways to execute a pipeline. Here, since there is no Module.Aggregate inside a pipeline only the run option is applicable. The run can also accept a request parameter that could be used throughout the pipeline. Since ModuleD and ModuleF are exposed their results will be available as the pipeline results after a completed run function.
ModuleD's result is available under the name it was initialized ("module_d"), but because there was a name passed to @expose when defining ModuleF class it was used instead ("module_f_expose_name"). Also, ModuleD makes use of passed module parameters (via self.parameters), which it just returns. All possible parameters and how to properly use them are explained in detail here.

See code snippet
result =  # {'module_f_expose_name': 'module f output', 'module_d': 'ModuleD important output'}

A stateful pipeline based on both Module.Runtime and Module.Aggregate#

Below a blueprint for a pipeline that can hold a state in between runs is shown. It has the same structure as the above one. Every step will be described but not as in depth.

Consider the following pipeline:


The code is divided into six distinct sections.

1) Class definitions
All modules besides is defined as Module.Runtime, besides ModuleF which acts as Module.Aggregate.


The definition of ModuleE and ModuleG which have overridden run methods to also include data or request parameters. It can be done since these two parameters are always passed. Any other can be accessed through args or kwargs.

See code snippet
from magda.module import Modulefrom magda.decorators import accept, finalize, exposefrom magda.pipeline import SequentialPipeline
@finalizeclass ModuleA(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module a output'
@finalizeclass ModuleB(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module b output'
@accept(ModuleA, ModuleB)@finalizeclass ModuleC(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module c output'
@accept(ModuleC)@finalizeclass ModuleD(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):        return 'module d output'
@accept(ModuleD)@expose()@finalizeclass ModuleE(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, request, *args, **kwargs):        return request
@accept(ModuleC)@finalizeclass ModuleF(Module.Aggregate):    pass
@accept(ModuleF)@expose()@finalizeclass ModuleG(Module.Runtime):    def run(self, data, *args, **kwargs):        return data

2) Module initialization
All modules have their appropriate name set. Even though ModuleF isn't Module.Runtime it has the same initialization.

See code snippet
module_a = ModuleA('module_a')module_b = ModuleB('module_b')module_c = ModuleC('module_c')module_d = ModuleD('module_d')module_e = ModuleE('module_e')module_f = ModuleF('module_f')module_g = ModuleG('module_g')

3) Dependency and parameters definition
As before, in order to create a graph all modules have to be connected.

See code snippet

4) Adding modules to a pipeline
Here every initiated module is added to the pipeline. If the class didn't inherit from either Module.Runtime or Module.Aggregate an error is raised.

See code snippet
builder = SequentialPipeline()builder.add_module(module_a)builder.add_module(module_b)builder.add_module(module_c)builder.add_module(module_d)builder.add_module(module_e)builder.add_module(module_f)builder.add_module(module_g)

5) Pipeline build
The context parameter is a dictionary that can hold both primitive types or references as it's values.

runtime ={'context_1': 'context'})

6) Pipeline running
The pipeline is run in two states. Firstly the run is used twice to execute two requests. The pipeline has two ending branches. One that has exposed result via ModuleE and one via ModuleG. During both passes only the modules marked as yellow blocks have their run method executed. The request is also added to the internal state of ModuleF but no further modules are run.
Afterwards, in order to retrieve and work with stored data, process mode is used. It executes ModuleG marked as a purple block after getting the collected results from ModuleF. The result is a ResultSet object containing all previously stored data, about which can be read more here.


During process mode the other branch wasn't executed.

See code snippet
result_run_1 ='request_1')result_run_2 ='request_2')result_process = runtime.process()print(result_run_1)    # {'module_e': 'request_1'}print(result_run_2)    # {'module_e': 'request_2'}print(result_process)  # {'module_g': <magda.module.results.ResultSet>}